Orange Tapestry Needles Bent Tip Clover

SKU: 051221356322
Item 4 of 10
€ 6,50 (including VAT)
Stock 3 pcs.

With Clover’s tapestry needle sets you have everything you need to sew together or weave individual parts of your knitting or crochet projects. Tapestry needles with blunt tip are also suitable for tapestry work. The plastic case with a screw-on cap is ideal to store them safely. Each set contains several tapestry or darning needles in multiple sizes (the lower the number, the thicker the needle). Available in four different combinations of tapestry needles. Supplied per 3 pieces.

This tapestry needle set with orange case contains 3 tapestry needles with a large eye and blunt, curved tip in sizes 15 (2 x) and 17. The curvature of the tip makes it easy to insert it between knitting or crochet stitches – ideal for closing seams or for sewing together pattern pieces with mattress stitches.

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