Macramé | Free Patterns

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  • Daring Diamonds Cushion Macrame Durable Rope
    Daring Diamonds Cushion Macrame Durable Rope

    DARING DIAMONDS CUSHIONThe ‘daring diamonds’ in this amazing macramé cushion, dare you to start knotting this cushion. Our new macramé yarn Durable Rope is perfect for all of your macramé projects, like this knotted…

  • Solstice Macrame Cushion Macrame Durable Rope
    Solstice Macrame Cushion Macrame Durable Rope

    SOLSTICE MACRAME CUSHIONOn the summer Solstice the sun reaches its highest point from an earthly point of view: resulting in the longest day of the year. This beautiful round macramé cushion, celebrates this annual event while…

  • Garden Summer Macramé Lamp Durable Rope
    Garden Summer Macramé Lamp Durable Rope

    GARDEN SUMMER MACRAMé LAMPWether you have a garden, balcony, or rather spend your days indoors: This lamp will bring the nature during summer to you. The lamp features beautiful knotted patterns inspired by nature.


  • Angel Falls Macramé Cushion Macrame Durable Rope
    Angel Falls Macramé Cushion Macrame Durable Rope

    ANGEL FALLS MACRAMé CUSHIONThe beautiful knots in this square shaped cushion look a bit like how the water breaks in a waterfall. Time to bring the most beautiful waterfalls of the world to your home, in the form of this…

  • Twister Pacifier Clip Macrame Durable Macramé
    Twister Pacifier Clip Macrame Durable Macramé

    TWISTER PACIFIER CLIPA soothing pacifier clip for your baby. A super easy macramé pattern using 2 different colours of yarn for a multi-coloured effect, worked double stranded. It is also possible to make this pacifier clip in 1…

  • Lantern Crochet Durable Macramé
    Lantern Crochet Durable Macramé

    LANTERNThese crochet lanterns make the perfect indoor and outdoor accessory. You can make 2 lanterns with 1 ball Durable Macramé yarn. Do not forget never to leave candles unattended !!!

    Durable Macramé
    Yarn A: 2211 Curry:…

  • Fortune Doll Macrame Durable Macramé
    Fortune Doll Macrame Durable Macramé

    FORTUNE DOLLMake your own little fortune doll with 4 m of Durable Macramé yarn, a Smiley bead, 4 wooden beads and a keychain. We can all use a bit of good luck right?

    Durable Macramé, Shade 2211 Curry.


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